Preparatory School is located at the middle estate of the College surrounded by beautiful and tranquil atmosphere in the form of historic architectural buildings and the evergreen coniferous pine trees. Over the past one and a half century many changes took place throughout the entire period in the form of construction of new academic block, addition of new facilities and raising the standards of lifestyle for the students.
Preparatory School deals with the students aged 9½ to 12 ½ from Class V to VII, which is currently being headed by a Headmaster and a team of 10 Masters and 2 Matrons. The present strength of the school is 184 boys with a wide range of cultures from different parts of the country. Students are groomed in a way that would enable them to live independently and face the challenges of life.
Prep School caters for the teenagers with a dynamic vision and wide range of facilities in the field of academics and co-curricular activities. Prep School is committed to encouraging and developing enquiring minds and provides innovative learning opportunities for its students. Prep School aims in building the character and personalities of its students entering the crucial teenage.